Q.1) On the outline map of India, mark the location of all the following. Write the significance of these locations, whether physical/commercial/economic/ecological/ environmental/cultural, in not more than 30 words for each entry.: (2 x 5 =10 marks)
- Badami
- Falgu River
- Sirpur or Sirpur Tandura
- Sanand
- Dras
Q.2) Explain the following terminologies in about 50 words each: (5 x 5 =25 marks)
- Density of population
- Female work-force participation rate
- Dependency rate
- Longevity
- Literacy rate
Q.3) Analyse the distribution of population in India in the perspective of nature resources and identify the overpopulation and under-population region in the country (2000) (20 marks)
Q.4) Geographical reasons for the variation in literacy from state to state in India. (In about 200 words) (2012) (15 marks)
Q.5) Why labour force participation rate of women in India is low? And suggest measures to improve this scenario. (15 marks)