Read Think and Write Day-2

Go through Read Think and Write strategy.

Attempt Day-1 questions here.

Q.1) Define the following terminologies/concepts/ethical words/principles in your own words. And write an example picking a story from your life or from the life of great leaders/thinkers or a hypothetical story in about 50-70 words for each of the concepts.

  1. Public interest
  2. Conflict of interest
  3. Principle of responsibility
  4. Principle of rationality
  5. Principle of excellence

Q.2) DO before you tell others to do, BE before you tell others ‘to-be’. Explain the statement in the context of private life. (150 words)

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happy patel
happy patel
5 years ago

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Study Villae
Study Villae
5 years ago
Reply to  happy patel

Q.1) 1. Public interest
example should be from real life or hypothetical one on how you uphold the public interest.
– Nalvadi Krishna Raja Wadiyar has done lot of progressive works like hydro-electric project at shivana samudra, formation Mysore legislative council, establshing Indian Institute of science, KRS dam etc. All these shows his public interest over private interest ( he did not spent money and time for his private luxury life, forts, palaces etc.)

Study Villae
Study Villae
5 years ago
Reply to  happy patel

Q.1) 3. principle of responsiblity
example- Lal Bahadur Shastri was growing in stature constantly. He resigned his post as Minister for Railways because he felt responsible for a railway accident in which many lives were lost. The unprecedented gesture was greatly appreciated by Parliament and the country.

4. The principle of Rationality means the recognition and acceptance of reason as one’s only source of knowledge, one’s only judge of values and one’s only guide to action.
example – Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the applied the principle of rationality to the prevailing social evils of the time and worked hard for the eradication of Sati, polygamy, purdah system etc.
rest of the write ups are good.

Study Villae
Study Villae
5 years ago
Reply to  happy patel

Q.2) You should write the examples for each of the parts
Most part of the answer relates to only DO part, write the answer for BE part.
word limit is 150 so you could have written more.

5 years ago

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Study Villae
Study Villae
5 years ago
Reply to  Harish

Good answer Harish. Keep it up.
Write answers for other questions.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Study Villae
Study Villae
5 years ago
Reply to  Ramesh

Q.1) principle of responsibility is a sphere of duty or obligation assigned to a person by the nature of that person’s position, function, or work
The roles taken on by decision makers imply a responsibility to perform certain functions associated with those roles. Responsibility refers to more than just the primary function of a role; it refers to the multiple facets of that function, which includes both processes and outcomes, and the consequences of the acts performed as part of that set of obligations.
for example-
Lal Bahadur Shastri was growing in stature constantly. He resigned his post as Minister for Railways because he felt responsible for a railway accident in which many lives were lost. The unprecedented gesture was greatly appreciated by Parliament and the country.

Study Villae
Study Villae
5 years ago
Reply to  Ramesh

principle of rationality – define in easy and simple way-
example- Raja Ram Mohan Roy followed the principle of rationality in eradicating the social evils like Sati, child marriage, polygamy etc

Study Villae
Study Villae
5 years ago
Reply to  Ramesh

principle of excellence- refer @h@happy_patel:disqus answer.
Work hard… well done… do not give up….

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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